The Old Man and the Sea of Jerry Beads

No, this is not Mr. Big from Sex in the City, it is Mr. Sex in Every City, Ernest Hemingway. 

This is first post (and most likely not the last) about Ernest Hemingway, not because he is the best author of the 20th century, but because he was the best at talking about himself. Besides loving himself, Hemingway also loved women...and war. Hemingway chased women, joined any army he could, owned boats and sported a variety of mustaches and intimidating facial hair. Today we have further insight into Hemingway's wild side. 

In a completely bogus 1925 episode of Jerry Springer, "The Lost Generation: I Want Out of this Orgy!" Hemingway turned to his fellow modernist, Ezra Pound, and said, "Man up, Pound! The Eliot and James gravy train stopped five years ago!" In a moment of disbelief, considering Hemingway's previous praise of Pound, the crowd sat in suspended silence until, the wonderfully crazy, Zelda Fitzgerald, took the stage, shoving Jerry to the side, and announced, "Ernest find your own man, I don't want you anywhere near F. Scott!" With a line that would soon become the screen-print that flappers all over Paris sported, Hemingway yelled, "Fitz, your wife is crazy!" (F. Scott never heard this comment as he requested that the prostitute he was screwing backstage continuously yell, "F-ing Scott!")

The episode ended in complete drunkenness (except for Pound, who fled for Italy) and a lecture from Steve Wilkos underneath the Eiffel Tower. 

This historical footage shows that the lives of those considered "lost" is just as screwed up as we would imagine. 

1 comment:

  1. I read the first line in your post and I died from the wit.
    *fans herself*
